Runyan Lake Inc.

The lake association for the entire community of Runyan Lake
located in Tyrone Township, Livingston County, Michigan.



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Aquatic Plant & Weed Control


2024 Weed Treatment Information            Invasive Species Information             Annual Treatment and Chemical Use Notice



Primary aquatic plant and weed treatment will be applied when the water is warm enough and there are undesired weeds present that need treatment, generally in late May or early June.  Any additional treatments will be applied as needed throughout the summer.


Aquatic plant and weed treatment is applied annually, generally when the water reaches a temperature of approximately 65ºF.  Additional spot treatments are applied as needed and as arranged by the RLI Board.  Our treatment contractor is Aquatic Nuisance Plant Control Inc. of Swartz Creek, MI.


Why do we treat aquatic plants and weeds?  A healthy lake results from a balance of nutrients, plants, and animals.  When excess nutrients enter the lake, such as those from lawn fertilizers and other sources of runoff, or non-native plants are introduced into our lake, plants experience rapid and excessive growth and non-native plants take the place of the less aggressive native plants.  The unintended plant growth chokes the lake, making it difficult to navigate.  When the plants and weeds die off in the fall, they fall to the bottom of the lake and decay, depriving fish of oxygen and creating layers of silt. Eventually all the fish die and the lake becomes a silt filled swamp.  Our goal is to preserve the current natural state of the lake as much as possible despite already having invasive species such as Northern Milfoil, Curly Leaf Pondweed, Starry Stonewart, and Zebra Mussels in our lake. 

Our contractor uses a spot treatment approach to provide the optimum treatment for controlling the population of invasive weeds while minimizing harm to native weeds.  However, he must work within the limitations of Michigan Department of Environmental Quality permits, the chemicals that are allowed, the proximity and depth of wells to the treated areas, and the locations of the outlets from the lake.  All RLI members' spraying preferences and requests, and all well locations and depths, are provided to our contractor at the beginning of each season.  A list of potential treatment chemicals/herbicides and their restrictions can be found below.


A Weed Treatment Notice is provided to all RLI members each Spring, usually as part of the Spring Newsletter (the notice can also be found here).  Members should check for colored postings (usually yellow) around the lake indicating when weed treatment is applied and any restrictions on fishing, swimming, lawn watering, and other limitations.


Please contact Kevin Johnson with any questions regarding weed control.


To assist with treatment notice posting you are encouraged to place a stake near your shoreline to which the notice can be stapled.  Otherwise the notice will be affixed near your shoreline to your dock, a post, or a tree.


Invasive Species and Weed References:


Aquatic Nuisance Handbook            Underwater Plant Guide           Purple Loosestrife        Starry Stonewort           Starry Stonewort 2012


A Citizen's Guide for the Identification, Mapping and Management of the Common Rooted Aquatic Plants of Michigan Lakes - by H.D. Wandell and L.G. Wolfson, Michigan State University Extension WQ-55.


Treatment Schedule Limitations

Our contractor does his best to treat on the scheduled days, but wind, rain, and other factors may cause delays to the planned treatment day.  RLI Members have also requested no treatments on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, no treatment the week before the fishing contest, and no treatment the week of July 4th.  This often makes our spring treatment, which normally occurs in early to mid June, a bit challenging.  Why is wind a concern?  Weed control is accomplished by contact herbicides.  When it is windy the water on and below the surface is moving.  The applied herbicides therefore do not remain in contact with the targeted weeds long enough to slow their growth.  Calm water provides the best results when treating aquatic weeds.


2024 Treatment Information


Aqua-Weed Control Inc. is our aquatic weed control contractor for 2024.  Keep an eye out for the yellow notices so you know when the lake is treated and what restrictions, if any, apply to your immediate area.  We also attempt to provide prior notice of scheduled treatments here, and via email.


Current treatment plan, subject to weed growth and weather:


Treat algae in the Cove and Channel when visible after June 2nd (State of Michigan treatment restriction).  During June copper treatments are not permitted.  Other algaecides will be used during these months.


General annual lake treatment planned for early to mid June.


Treat Starry Stonewort monthly during June, July, August, and September.


Treat native and non-native plants (Eurasian Milfoil and Curly Leaf Pondweed) when plant growth requires treatment, typically late July or August.


Actual treatments:

5/30/24:  First general lake treatment for Starry Stonewart, Eurasian Milfoil, and Curly Leaf Pondweed.

6/13/24:  Starry Stonewart treatment.

7/10/24:  Starry Stonewart treatment.

8/9/24:  Starry Stonewart treatment.

9/6/24:  Starry Stonewart treatment.



2024 Weed Treatment Notices:


Annual Treatment Notice (from Spring Newsletter)    Risk/Benefit Information


Yellow Shoreline Notice - 5/30/24    Treatment Map - 5/30/24    


Starry Stonewort Treatment Notices


Starry Stonewort/Algae treatment 6/13/24

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2023 Treatment Information


Aqua-Weed Control Inc. is our aquatic weed control contractor for 2023.  Keep an eye out for the yellow notices so you know when the lake is treated and what restrictions, if any, apply to your immediate area.  We also attempt to provide prior notice of scheduled treatments here, and via email.


Current treatment plan, subject to weed growth and weather:


Treat algae in the Cove and Channel when visible after June 2nd (State of Michigan treatment restriction).  During June copper treatments are not permitted.  Other algaecides will be used during these months.


Treat Starry Stonewort on 6/14, 7/6, 7/27, 8/17, and 9/7.


General annual lake treatment planned for 6/14.


Treat native and non-native plants (Eurasian Milfoil and Curly Leaf Pondweed) when plant growth requires treatment, typically late July or August.



6/14/23:  First general lake, Starry Stonewart, and algae treatment.

7/6/23:  Starry Stonewart treatment.

7/27/23:  Starry Stonewart treatment.

8/17/23:  Starry Stonewart treatment.

9/7/23:  Starry Stonewart treatment.



2023 Weed Treatment Notices:


Annual Treatment Notice (from Spring Newsletter)    Risk/Benefit Information


Yellow Shoreline Notice - 6/14/23    Treatment Map - 6/14/23    Treatment Notice - 6/14/23


Starry Stonewort Treatment Notices


7/6/23    7/27/23    8/17/23    9/7/23


2022 Treatment Information


Aqua-Weed Control Inc. is our aquatic weed control contractor for 2022.  Keep an eye out for the yellow notices so you know when the lake is treated and what restrictions, if any, apply to your immediate area.  We also attempt to provide prior notice of scheduled treatments here, and via email.


Current treatment plan, subject to weed growth and weather:


Treat algae in the Cove and Channel when visible after June 1 (State of Michigan treatment restriction).


Treat Starry Stonewort on 6/2, 7/7, 7/28, 8/18, and 9/8.


General annual lake treatment planned for 6/13.


Treat native and non-native plants (Eurasian Milfoil and Curly Leaf Pondweed) when plant growth requires treatment (cool spring).


5/18/22:  The cove and channel were treated for Eurasian Milfoil and Curly Leaf Pondweed.


6/2/22:  First Starry Stonewart and algae treatment planned.


6/13/22:  First general lake treatment applied.


7/27/22:  Touch up treatment for pond weed, milfoil. 


2022 Weed Treatment Notices:


Annual Treatment Notice (from Spring Newsletter)    Risk/Benefit Information


Yellow Shoreline Notice - 5/18/22    Treatment Notice - 5/18/22     Treatment Map - 6/13/22    Yellow Shoreline Notice - 6/13/22    

Treatment Notice - 7/7/22     Yellow Shoreline Notice - 7/27/22    Treatment Notice - 8/18/22     Treatment Notice - 9/8/22


2021 Treatment Information


For 2021 Aqua-Weed Control Inc. is our aquatic weed control contractor. Keep an eye out for the yellow notices so you know when the lake is treated and what restrictions, if any, apply to your immediate area.  We also attempt to provide prior notice of scheduled treatments here, and via email.


Current treatment plan, subject to weed growth and weather:


Treat algae in the Cove and Channel when visible after June 1 (State of Michigan treatment restriction).


Treat Starry Stonewort on 6/10, 7/7, 7/28, 8/18, and 9/8.


Treat native and non-native plants (Eurasian Milfoil and Curly Leaf Pondweed) when plant growth requires treatment (cool spring).


6/8/21:  A general lake treatment will be applied on Wednesday, June 10th, weather permitting.  If your area is affected a yellow notice will be posted by your waterfront.  Please reference the yellow notice for any water use restrictions.  The notice and treatment map can be found below.  (Treatment completed on 6/10)


8/11/21:  A general lake treatment will be applied on Wednesday, August 11th, weather permitting.  If your area is affected a yellow notice will be posted by your waterfront.  Please reference the yellow notice for any water use restrictions.  The notice and treatment map can be found below.  (Treatment completed on 8/11)


2021 Weed Treatment Notices:



Annual Treatment Notice (from Spring Newsletter)    Risk/Benefit Information


Treatment Map - 6/10/21     Yellow Shoreline Notice - 6/10/21    Treatment Notice - 6/10/21


Treatment Map - 8/11/21     Yellow Shoreline Notice - 8/11/21    Treatment Notice - 8/11/21


2020 Treatment Information


For 2020 Aqua-Weed Control Inc. is our aquatic weed control contractor. Keep an eye out for the yellow notices so you know when the lake is treated and what restrictions, if any, apply to your immediate area.  We also attempt to provide prior notice of scheduled treatments here, and via email.


Current treatment plan, subject to weed growth and weather:


Treat algae in the Cove and Channel when visible after June 1 (State of Michigan treatment restriction).


Treat Starry Stonewort on 6/10, 7/8, 7/29, 8/19, and 9/9.


Treat native and non-native plants (Eurasian Milfoil and Curly Leaf Pondweed) when plant growth requires treatment (cool spring).


9/18/20:  Treatment of Milfoil planned for Monday, 9/21.  Yellow notices to be posted Friday, 9/18.


6/8/20:  Treatment date deferred to 6/15 due to weather.  A new yellow notice will be posted on 6/12.


6/7/20:  A general lake treatment will be applied on Wednesday, June 8th, weather permitting.  Treatment will be deferred to Monday, June 15th if weather is an issue.  If your area is affected a yellow notice was posted by the waterfront on June 6th.  Please reference the yellow notice for any water use restrictions.  The notice and treatment map can be found below.  *** Treatment postponed until 6/15 due to high winds ***


2020 Weed Treatment Notices:



Annual Treatment Notice (from Spring Newsletter)    Risk/Benefit Information


Treatment Map - 6/15/20     Yellow Notice - 6/15/20     Treatment Map - 9/21/20


2019 Treatment Information


For 2019 Aqua-Weed Control Inc. is our aquatic weed control contractor. Keep an eye out for the yellow notices so you know when the lake is treated and what restrictions, if any, apply to your immediate area.  We also attempt to provide prior notice of scheduled treatments here, and via email.


Current treatment plan, subject to weed growth and weather:


Treat algae when visible


Treat Starry Stonewort on 6/12, 7/10, 7/31, 8/21, 9/11 per the map below


Treat non-native plants (Eurasian Milfoil and Curly Leaf Pondweed) right after Memorial Day


Treat native plants approx. June 15th depending on growth


5/22/19:  Weed treatment in the channel and cove areas for Curly Leaf Pondweed and Milfoil is scheduled for May 22.  Reference the treatment map below. They will stake post the properties the day before the treatment.


6/3/19:  A general lake treatment will be applied on Monday, June 3rd.  If your area is affected a yellow notice was posted by the waterfront on May 31st.  Please reference the yellow notice for any water use restrictions.  The notice and treatment map can be found below.


9/9/19:  Touch up treatment was applied around the lake to address emerging Milfoil, a few nuisance Pondweed areas, as well as Milfoil in the cove.


2019 Weed Treatment Notices:



Annual Treatment Notice (from Spring Newsletter)        2019 MDEQ Permit


Treatment Map - 5/22/19     Yellow Notice - 5/22/19     Starry Stonewort Treatment Map 2019


Treatment Map - 6/3/19     Yellow Notice - 6/3/19     Treatment Notice 6/12/19     Treatment Notice 7/10/19    


Treatment Notice 7/31/19     Treatment Notice 8/21/19     Yellow Notice - 9/9/19



2018 Treatment information: (for reference)


Current treatment plan, subject to weed growth and weather:


Treat non-native plants (Eurasian Milfoil and Curly Leaf Pondweed) right after Memorial Day


Treat native plants approx. June 15th depending on growth


5/7/18:  We are trying to get a head start on Starry Stonewort control in the cove, and algae control in both the cove and channel.  Treatment for these areas occurred on 5/7.  This is a copper treatment only, for which there are no water use restrictions. 


5/29/18:  We have planned our first significant aquatic weed treatment of the year for Thursday, May 31st, weather dependent. Subtropical depression Alberto is projected to impact our weather Wednesday thru Friday, which may impact our treatment date. This first treatment focuses on non-native weeds, specifically the invasive weed Eurasian Milfoil (the long, fluffy stalks with red tops currently found along the drop-off, and actually touching the surface in many locations), as well as Curly Leaf Pondweed, another invasive. The Milfoil was so bad last fall and this spring we are going to try a more aggressive treatment. We will also be doing our second treatment for Starry Stonewort in the cove.


6/6/18:  Aquatic weed treatment occurred on Wednesday, June 6th Please be aware the more aggressive treatment approach to better control Eurasian Milfoil uses a systemic chemical that has water use restrictions.

These restrictions can be found on the yellow notices along the shoreline of treated areas.  These restrictions include:

bulletNo body contact with the water near treated areas until the afternoon of 6/7.
bulletNo use of lake water for irrigation of flowers, plants, and trees for at least 14 days, with 21 days recommended.  The watering of lawns has no restriction.
bulletNo use of lake water for livestock, domestic animals, or for personal drinking water for at least 14 days, with 21 days recommended.

This is the excerpt from your Annual Weed Treatment Notice (reference your Spring Newsletter – may also be found online) for the applied chemical.

2,4-D (Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid, Butoxyethl Ester): Do not use the treated water for swimming for 1 day.  Do not use the treated water for irrigation, agricultural sprays, watering dairy animals, or domestic water supplies.  "Irrigation" includes water gardens--however, it does NOT include watering lawns. Lawn spray companies often use 2,4-D to kill weeds in lawns  --watering lawns when only 2,4-D has been applied will not hurt your lawn (but see restrictions on the other products).  "Domestic use" means using lake water inside your house.  Fish and wildlife are not affected. 

6/13/18:  Aquatic weed treatment occurred on Wednesday, June 13th This was a touch up of some new Eurasian Milfoil areas. Please be aware the more aggressive treatment approach to better control Eurasian Milfoil uses a systemic chemical that has water use restrictions. Please refer to the yellow notices in these areas as well as the restriction information in the 6/6 treatment information above.


6/25/18:  Aquatic weed treatment occurred on Monday, June 25th This was a touch up of some Eurasian Milfoil areas, and treatment of the cove for Starry Stonewort.  Please refer to the yellow notices in these areas as well as the restriction information in the 6/6 treatment information above.


7/10/18:  Aquatic weed treatment occurred on Tuesday, July 10th This was a touch up of some Eurasian Milfoil areas, and treatment of the cove and other areas for Starry Stonewort.  Please refer to the yellow notices in these areas as well as the restriction information in the 6/6 treatment information above.


7/19/18:  Aquatic weed treatment occurred on Thursday, July 19th This was a treatment of Milfoil in the cove.  Water use restrictions apply.  Please refer to the yellow notices in these areas as well as the restriction information in the 6/6 treatment information above.


8/2/18:  Aquatic weed treatment occurred on Thursday, August 2nd This was a treatment for Starry Stonewort in the cove and other areas, and a Milfoil spot treatment.  Water use restrictions may apply.  Please refer to the yellow notices in these areas as well as the restriction information in the 6/6 treatment information above.


8/23/18:  Aquatic weed treatment occurred on Thursday, August 23rd This was a treatment for Starry Stonewort in the cove and other areas, and a Milfoil and Pondweed spot treatment.  A contact herbicide was used, so short duration water use restrictions may apply.  Please refer to the yellow notices posted in the treatment areas.


2018 Weed Treatment Notices:


(5/7/18) This treatment will be for the cove Starry Stonewort, and the cove and channel algae only.


Posted Treatment Notice - 5/7/18    Treatment Map - 6/6/18    Posted Treatment Notice - 6/6/18     Treatment Map - 6/13/18    Posted Treatment Notice - 6/13/18  

Treatment Map - 6/25/18    Posted Treatment Notices - 6/25/18     Treatment Map - 7/10/18    Posted Treatment Notices - 7/10/18     Posted Treatment Notice - 7/19/18   Posted Treatment Notices - 8/2/18    Treatment Map - 8/23/18    Posted Treatment Notices - 8/23/18


Annual Treatment Notice (from Spring Newsletter)        2018 MDEQ Permit



2017 Treatment information: (for reference)

Our first weed treatment is scheduled for 6/13, weather dependent.  Keep an eye out for the yellow notices so you know when the lake is treated and what restrictions, if any, apply to your immediate area.  This will be a relatively large treatment due to our milder winter which has resulted in a significant amount of well developed pond weed around most of the lake. (treatment occurred 6/13)


The cove was treated for Starry Stonewort on 7/5.  Please see the posted treatment notice below.


Weed Treatment Notices:


Treatment Map - 6/9/17        Posted Treatment Notice - 6/13/17       Posted Treatment Notice 7/5/17


Annual Treatment Notice (from Spring Newsletter)        2017 MDEQ Permit



2016 Treatment information: (for reference)

We will continue using a proactive approach during 2016 to control Starry Stonewort in the cove and channel areas. 


Our first weed treatment is scheduled for 6/8, weather dependent.  *** Delayed due to high winds, rescheduled for Monday 6/13 ***  Keep an eye out for the yellow notices so you know when the lake is treated and what restrictions, if any, apply to your immediate area.


Second treatment is scheduled for 7/18.  This will treat pond weed, eurasion and northern milfoil, as well as algae in the channel.  The cove was treated for Starry Stonewort on 7/14.  Keep an eye out for the yellow notices so you know when the lake is treated and what restrictions, if any, apply to your immediate area.



Weed Treatment Notices:


Treatment Map - 6/8/16        Posted Treatment Notice - 6/13/16       Treatment Map - 7/18/16


Annual Treatment Notice (from Spring Newsletter)        2016 MDEQ Permit



2015 Treatment information: (for reference)

We will continue using a proactive approach during 2015 to control Starry Stonewort in the cove and channel areas. 


Our first weed treatment was scheduled for 6/10 or 6/11.  Wind on 6/10 and rain on 6/11 has delayed treatment to the week of 6/15.  Keep an eye out for the yellow notices so you know when the lake is treated and what restrictions, if any, apply to your immediate area.


Our second touch up treatment is scheduled for 7/21 and will focus on Milfoil and Pondweed, along with algae in the channel.


Weed Treatment Notices:


Treatment Map - 7/21/15



Spring Treatment Map - 6/17/15          Posted Treatment Notice - 6/17/15


Annual Treatment Notice (from Spring Newsletter)        2015 MDEQ Permit (on file)



2014 Treatment information: (for reference)


Treatment Map - 7/21/14                Posted Treatment Notice - 7/21/14


Spring Treatment Map - 6/10/14 (actually done 6/16)         Posted Treatment Notice - 6/16/14


Annual Treatment Notice (from Spring Newsletter)        2014 MDEQ Permit (on file)


We will be using a more proactive approach during 2014 in an attempt to control Starry Stonewort in the cove and channel areas. 


(7/21/14) This treatment will focus on Northern and Illinois Milfoil, and will continue treatment in the cove for Starry Stonewort.


(6/16/14) This treatment is focusing on early season Milfoil and Pondweed, algae in the channel, and Starry Stonewort in the cove.



2013 Treatment information: (for reference)


Treatment Map - 8/7/13 (actually done 8/13)          Posted Treatment Notice - 8/13/13


Annual Treatment Notice (from Spring Newsletter)        2013 MDEQ Permit



(9/11/13)  Starry Stonewort was removed from the cove using mechanical harvesting.  For pictures, please click here.


(8/30/13)  The lake will be toured the first week of September to determine if additional treatment is needed.


(8/13/13)  Weed treatment occurred this morning (Tuesday) despite windy conditions.  Underwater application techniques were used to control chemical distribution.


(8/12/13)  Treatment was further delayed on Monday, August 12, due to weather. 


(8/7/13)  Due to storms in our area, aquatic weed treatment has been rescheduled for Thursday, August 8th.  Additional delays resulted from a defective gate lock. 


(8/4/13)  Our lake was toured on 8/2, and a treatment plan was developed.  Our next scheduled aquatic weed treatment is Wednesday, August 7th, weather permitting.   A map showing the treatment locations can be found above.  Not all areas of the lake are being treated.  Treated areas will have yellow signs posted with information about any water use restrictions which apply to your immediate area. 

(7/16/13)  The lake was treated as scheduled.

Treatment Map - 7/16/13        Posted Treatment Notice - 7/16/13


(7/12/13)  Our lake was toured on 7/7, and again with our contractor on 7/10.  Our next scheduled aquatic weed treatment is Tuesday, July 16th, weather permitting.   A map showing the treatment locations can be found on our website within the next 24 hours.  Not all areas of the lake are being treated.  Treated areas will have yellow signs posted with information about any water use restrictions which apply to your immediate area.  The annual notice with specific chemical information and use restrictions can be found in your spring newsletter, and on our website aquatic plant & weed control page.


This treatment is focusing on Milfoil and Pondweed, typical for this time of year.  We will also be treating the cove and channel areas for Starry Stonewort.  We continue to look at other options for the Starry Stonewort situation but have limited options at this time. 


Treatment Map - 6/4/13          Posted Treatment Notice - 6/4/13


(6/3/13)  The lake was toured on 5/26/13 to evaluate several areas that may need treatment.   Treatment is scheduled for Tuesday, June 4th.  The areas to be treated can be seen using the treatment map link above. 



2012 Treatment information (for reference)

Treatment Map - 8/8/12


Posted Treatment Notice - 7/9/12       Treatment Map - 7/9/12   


Treatment Map - 6/12/12      Posted Treatment Notice - 6/12/12    


Annual Treatment Notice (from Spring Newsletter)        2012 MDEQ Permit 


The lake was toured on 8/1/12 to evaluate several areas that have not responded well to prior treatments, along with the cove entrance and boat ramp areas (Starry Stonewort is growing).  Treatment was then applied on Wednesday, August 8th.  We are waiting on a treatment map. 


The lake was treated the morning of Monday, July 9th.  Milfoil and broad leaf Pondweed is breaking the surface in many areas around the lake.  You may reference the new treatment map and notice using the above links. 


The lake was toured on 5/25/12.  After a number of delays related to wind and rain our first treatment occurred the morning of June 12.  Our first treatment targets Curly Leaf Pondweed, Broad Leaf Pondweed, Northern Milfoil, Starry Stonewort, and algae.  Reward and Cutrine are being used on the Pondweed and Milfoil, and Aquathol will also be used in the cove so restrictions will be 24 hours for swimming and 3 days for watering.  Copper is being used in the cove and channel areas to treat algae.  As discussed during the Spring General Meeting, Clipper is also being tried in the areas near the outlet, as recently permitted by the MDEQ.  This product dissipates in less than 24 hours, so again a 24 hour restriction in that area applies.  The actual treatment notice posting can be accessed above.


A note about treatment delays due to wind:  We know this is frustrating for many of our Members.  However, with our weed bands being so narrow, spraying the chemicals onto the surface of the water when it is moving 3 - 5 mph results in little uptake of the chemical by the plants below due to very rapid dispersion.  We are just throwing money down the drain if we treat in conditions like this and would have to retreat at additional expense. 




2011 Treatment information: (for reference)

Treatment Map - June 2011        Posted Treatment Notice - 6/21/11        Treatment Map - August 2011


Touch-up Treatment - Thursday, August 4th.  Our contractor treated areas identified as "undesirable growth".  See map above.


Reassessment - Friday, July 29.  Our contractor will be touring the lake to establish a plan for an early August touch-up treatment.  


Treatment occurred Tuesday, June 21st.  This was a general treatment for Northern Milfoil, Pondweed, and algae in the channel.  The lake was toured on Saturday, June 11th.  See the treatment map link above for approximate treatment areas.  If you have questions or concerns please contact Ivan Quinn or email us Please watch for notices, which include water use restriction details, along your shoreline. 


2010 Treatment information: (for reference)


Week of July 11. Likely July 12 or 13.  Click here for the treatment map which shows the areas to be treated in crosshatch.   Please watch for notices, which include water use restriction details, along your shoreline just prior to treatment.  We will post the treatment day as soon as it is determined. 


Thursday, June 10, 2010 for Pond Weed and Elodea                     Specific Treatment Notice - 6/10/10

Because of the cool spring weed growth thus far is limited to cool water weeds, such as Pond Weed.  Aquatic Nuisance has determined the best treatment method is to spot treat the Pond Weed and some Elodea in early June and follow up with treatments for Northern Milfoil and other weeds as they grow to the point of requiring treatment.  This treatment plan will not only keep unneeded chemicals out of the lake but will also save us the cost of chemicals that would have limited effect.  Click here for the treatment map which shows the areas to be treated in crosshatch.   Please watch for notices, which include water use restriction details, along your shoreline just prior to treatment.  We will post the treatment day as soon as it is determined.  Click here for a copy of the yellow notice posted along shorelines in the treatment areas.




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Runyan Lake Inc.

PO Box 105

 Fenton, MI  48430-0105, USA

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Copyright © 2007- 2024 Runyan Lake Inc.  All rights reserved.  Updated January 13, 2024.
Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission from Runyan Lake Inc. is prohibited.
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