Runyan Lake Inc.

The lake association for the entire community of Runyan Lake
located in Tyrone Township, Livingston County, Michigan.



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General Membership Meeting Files


Below you will find links to the files distributed with our General Membership Meeting notices.


2024 Spring General Membership Meeting

is Friday, May 17th

Tyrone Township Hall
8420 Runyan Lake Road

Fenton, MI 48430

6:00 PM - Social hour, pizza, pop, and water provided
7:00 PM - Membership Meeting

    Spring 2024 Meeting Synopsis
    Spring 2024 Newsletter & Meeting Notice
    Agenda with Financial Report
    2023 Financial Audit Report
    Proxy Ballot
2023/24 Annual Aquatic Weed Control Notice (also in Newsletter)
    Draft Fall 2023 General Meeting Minutes


2023 Fall General Membership Meeting

Friday, August 25th  October 6th


October 6, 2023 Fall General Meeting mailed notice

Fall 2023 Newsletter & Fall General Meeting Notice

Meeting Synopsis

Agenda with Financial Report

Draft Minutes of Spring 2023 General Meeting

Proxy Ballot *revised ballot - Roxane Kaye has withdrawn from the trustee election.



2023 Spring General Membership Meeting

was Friday, May 26th

Agenda with Financial Report

2022 Financial Audit Report

Approved Minutes of Fall 2022 General Meeting

Proxy Ballot

Spring 2023 Newsletter & Meeting Notice

2022/23 Annual Aquatic Weed Control Notice (also in Newsletter)

Spring 2023 Meeting Synopsis


2022 Fall General Membership Meeting
was Friday, September 2nd


Agenda with Financial Report

Fall 2022 Newsletter & Meeting Notice

Minutes of Spring  2022 General Meeting

Proxy Ballot

Meeting Synopsis

Draft Minutes of Fall 2022 General Meeting

2022 Spring General Membership Meeting

was Friday, May 27th


Agenda with Financial Report

Spring 2022 Newsletter & Meeting Notice

2022 Annual Aquatic Weed Control Notice (also in Newsletter)

Minutes of Fall 2021 General Meeting

Proxy Ballot

2021 Financial Audit Report


2021 Fall General Membership Meeting
 was Friday, September 3rd


Fall 2021 Newsletter & Meeting Notice

Agenda with Financial Report (amended)

Proxy Ballot

Minutes of Fall  2019 General Meeting

Minutes of Fall  2020 General Meeting

Minutes of Spring  2021 General Meeting

2021 Spring
General Membership Meeting

Spring General Membership Meeting by Proxy - After careful consideration, in compliance with current indoor capacity limitations, the RLI trustees have agreed to cancel our Spring General Meeting.  The township hall remains a limited accesses site to the public.  This is mainly an informational meeting, so we will include what is most often shared during that meeting by email (reference your inbox or copy of email below).  If you have questions or concerns you would like to share with the RLI Board please email us or send a note to the PO box. We considered a Zoom meeting but logistics for that many people are challenging


Newsletter & Notice of Spring 20201 General Membership Meeting by proxy

Email to Members Spring 2021

Sample Proxy Ballot

Social Committee Budget

Thank you to everyone who took the time to return your proxy ballots.  Received ballots were counted on 5/30.  Ballots have been retained and are available for audit.


Total Proxy Ballots Mailed


Total Number of Ballots Received



Invalidated Ballots, No Signature


Total Valid Ballots Counted


Ballots Returned, Undeliverable


Total Votes Recorded


Total Votes Possible


Ballots Crosscheck, Total Votes Possible divided by 2


Proxy Ballot Results



Total Votes Cast

Proposal 1: Fireworks Budget Increase




Proposal 2: Social Committee Budget Increase for Third Music Event







2020 Fall General Membership Meeting

Due to Michigan Executive Order 2020-160 we are unable to assemble to hold our Fall General Meeting.


To be able to conduct the business items required in our Bylaws, such as establishing our 2021 budget, 2021 dues amounts, to obtain 2021 permit application consent, and hold trustee elections, the Fall General Meeting will be held by proxy ballot. All freeholders (title holders) of record will be mailed a proxy ballot.


Newsletter & Notice of Fall 2020 General Membership Meeting by proxy

Email to Members Fall 2020



2020 Spring General Membership Meeting

Cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions


Spring 2020 Newsletter & Aquatic Weed Notice

Spring 2020 Newsletter email



2019 Fall General Membership Meeting

was Friday, August 30th


Agenda with Financial Report

Fall 2019 Newsletter & Meeting Notice

Proxy Ballot

Minutes of Spring  2019 General Meeting


2019 Spring General Membership Meeting

was Friday, May 24th


Meeting Synopsis

Agenda with Financial Report

Spring 2019 Newsletter & Meeting Notice

2019 Annual Aquatic Weed Control Notice (also in Newsletter)

Minutes of Fall  2018 General Meeting

Proxy Ballot

2018 Financial Audit Report


2018 Fall General Membership Meeting

was Friday, August 31st

Meeting Synopsis

Agenda with Financial Report

Fall 2018 Newsletter & Meeting Notice

Proxy Ballot

Minutes of Spring  2018 General Meeting


2018 Spring General Membership Meeting

was Friday, May 25th

Meeting Synopsis

Agenda with Financial Report
Spring 2018 Newsletter & Meeting Notice

2017 Financial Audit Report
Minutes of Fall  2017 General Meeting

Proxy Ballot


2017 Fall General Membership Meeting

was Friday, September 1st

Agenda with Financial Report

Fall 2017 Newsletter & Meeting Notice

Proxy Ballot

Minutes of Spring  2017 General Meeting

Fall 2017 General Meeting Synopsis


2017 Spring General Membership Meeting

was Friday, May 26th

Agenda with Financial Report

Spring 2017 Newsletter & Meeting Notice

2016 Financial Audit Report

Minutes of Fall  2016 General Meeting

Proxy Ballot

Meeting Synopsis


2016 Fall General Membership Meeting

was Friday, September 2nd

Fall 2016 Newsletter & Meeting Notice

Agenda with Financial Report

Minutes of Spring  2016 General Meeting

Proxy Ballot



2016 Spring General Membership Meeting

was Friday, May 27th

6:00 PM:  Social Hour

7:00 PM:  General Meeting

Agenda with Financial Report

Agenda with Financial Report thru April 30th

Spring 2016 Newsletter & Meeting Notice

2015 Financial Audit Report

Minutes of Fall  2015 General Meeting

Proxy Ballot


2015 Fall General Membership Meeting

was Friday, September 4th

6:00 PM:  Social Hour

7:00 PM:  General Meeting

Agenda with Financial Report

Fall 2015 Newsletter & Meeting Notice

Minutes of Spring  2015 General Meeting

Bylaws Amendment Proposal

Proxy Ballot


2015 Spring General Membership Meeting

was Friday, May 22nd

6:00 PM:  Social Hour

7:00 PM:  General Meeting

Agenda with Financial Report

Corrected 2015 Financial Report

Audit Committee Report

Spring 2015 Newsletter & Meeting Notice

Minutes of Fall  2014 General Meeting

Proxy Ballot


2014 Fall General Membership Meeting

was Friday, August 29th

6:00 PM:  Social Hour

7:00 PM:  General Meeting


Fall 2014 Newsletter

Minutes of Spring 2014 General Meeting

Proxy Ballot


2014 Spring General Membership Meeting
Friday, May 23rd

6:00 PM:  Social Hour

7:00 PM:  General Meeting!


Spring 2014 Newsletter & Meeting Notice

Minutes of Fall 2013 General Meeting

Proxy Ballot


2013 Fall General Membership Meeting

was Friday, August 30th

6:00 PM:  Social Hour

7:00 PM:  General Meeting


Fall 2013 Newsletter

Minutes of Spring 2013 General Meeting

Proxy Ballot


2013 Spring General Membership Meeting

was Friday, May 24th

6:00 PM:  Social Hour

7:00 PM:  General Meeting


Minutes of Fall 2012 General Meeting
Spring 2013 Newsletter

Proxy Ballot


2012 Fall General Membership Meeting

was Friday, August 31st

6:00 PM:  Social Hour

7:00 PM:  General Meeting


Minutes of Spring 2012 General Meeting
Fall 2012 Newsletter

Proxy Ballot



2012 Spring General Membership Meeting

was Friday, May 25th

6:00 PM:  Social Hour

7:00 PM:  General Meeting


Minutes of Fall 2011 General Meeting
Spring 2012 Newsletter

Proxy Ballot


More meeting files will be added as time permits



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Runyan Lake Inc.

PO Box 105

 Fenton, MI  48430-0105, USA

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